
Linux or GNU / Linux is a free operating system (open source) is very popular. The term Linux or GNU / Linux (GNU) was also used to refer to the whole circular Linux (Linux distribution / Linux distributions), which is always included on other programs besides Operating System.

Examples are programs such as Web Server, Language settings, Database, Persekitaran Desktop (Desktop environment) (such as GNOME and KDE), and office suites (office suite), such as Circular-circular Linux has experienced rapid growth in terms of popularity, so the more popular version of UNIX that propritari (proprietary) and the first match the dominance of Microsoft Windows in some cases.
Linux supports many Perkakasan Computer, and has been used in a variety of personal computer equipment to supercomputers and Embedded Systems (Embedded Systems) (such as Telefon Mudahalih Tivo and Personal Video Recorder).

At first, he created and used by the devotees only. Now Linux has received support from major corporations such as IBM, and Hewlett-Packarddan other major corporations. The analyzer is due to glory point Linus does not depend on the vendor (vendor-independence), perkakasan low cost, and appropriateness versus proprietary Unix versions, and the factor of safety and stability compared with Microsoft Windows. These characteristics also become evidence of the benefits of open source development model.


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