The BlackBerry Translation Software

The BlackBerry Translation Software

BBTran is a nice little application that comes as a free application as well as in a Pro version. Since the Pro-Version is just 3,99 I bought this app right away and I was using it on my BlackBerry to translate emails that I receive in different languages. I am based in Europe so I have to deal with at least 3 – 4 languages and not everybody always communicates in English, especially when you are just copied on as CC.

The nice thing with BBTran is that it uses web-based services like Google Translate, Bing, Mastro or Systran to translate your text. There are two modes available – one is the dictionary mode and the other one is the translation mode. The best thing is that it completely integrates with your BlackBerry. This means that when you receive an email, you just select on the menu “Translate this with BBTran” and your email will be translated into your native language. The screenshot below shows you what this looks like:

The only drawback of this app is (just as any other translation application) that sometimes the translated text doesn’t make sense. Translating is still a technically difficult task but with the integration of Google Translate two things are certain: 1) This is the best translation quality available and 2) The quality of translation with BBTran will improve at the same that Google Translate improves its services. Which will definitely happen.


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