Any deficiency of the tablet pc

Any deficiency of the tablet pc

Nowadays many use and the emergence of Tablet PC gets a very positive response to its users, aka consumers. but do not be proud to use a tablet pc first because there are several tablet PCs are the weaknesses compared with other gadgets that might be us. What are the deficiencies that must be rectified immediately tablets?

lack of tablet pc?

1. Integration with PC is much better
Tablet users will be able to use their tablets easily shared with other hardware owned by the consumer. To be more effective then the tablets should have 'docking station' which can accommodate the common hardware that is often used as a keyboard, mouse, speakers, and other external devices.

2. Virtual keyboard 'better
If your job requires to write more by using the tablets then you will understand that the virtual keyboard is present in the tablet is not adequate. If you are a day-to-day involves writing as a student, writer, or people who want to write more than one page that contains an external keyboard then the keyboard is a must-have for now.

3. Development of integration with the printer
Do print a document from the tablet will be a difficult enough job. Sometimes we need a third-party applications to make it easier when we have to spend some money again to buy it. If you Android users then you can print with the help of Google Cloud Printing quickly but this can not be used in all situations. I think the tablet should have the ability to be able to print documents with ease before it is considered as day-to-day computing device.

4. Support browser compatible
No browser can be used perfectly in the tablet. Sometimes the default browser on a tablet has many shortcomings in terms of speed or completeness of features. Chrome with excess faster and lighter than the others but has a shortage of facilities owned by Firefox. Firefox has some problems with the display flash. Safari still many bugs error in the matter of appearance.

5. Prices are much cheaper
Prices tablet PCs today can arguably still too expensive, even more expensive than a laptop that has the capability that could be much better.


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